Devising a Complete Exercise Protocol Assisting Older Adults Isolated During COVID-19: A Mini Review


Older Adult
Musculoskeletal Development
Immune Function

How to Cite

Khan, M. J. (2020). Devising a Complete Exercise Protocol Assisting Older Adults Isolated During COVID-19: A Mini Review. International Journal of Aging Health and Movement, 2(1), 1-7. Retrieved from


Background: Globally, the pandemic situation coined due to COVID-19 damage to the orderly adults health from different degrees of impact on cardiorespiratory, physical and immunity functioning, and forced to stay at four walls for a period of time outweighs the risk of disability. Objective: This quick mini review investigate the recent articles coining a complete exercise guideline outcome of preventing, maintain and improving health status.  Methods: We updated the search in the PubMed, Google Scholar and BioMed Central to April 2020. Randomized controlled trials, recommendation, interview that reported on exercise supports as preventive or therapeutic intervention for cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and immune function. Review author extracted data on the study population, interventions, and final results, and presented in a descriptive form. Results: The moderate amount of exercises including purse-lip breathing, resistance by Therabelt and aerobic are much more effective continue 3 (2-4) rating of perceived exertion for 150-300 min/week and 150 min/3 or more days each week for excellent mobile and poor mobile older people, respectively, in improving musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory and immune function. Conclusion: Modest amount of exercises fetched the large chunks of health benefit for isolated older adult.



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