Gait Analysis for the elderly and popular designs of smart canes available in the market: A narrative review
Gait Analysis for the elderly and popular designs of smart canes available in the market: A narrative review


Self-Help Devices
Walking Stick

How to Cite

Arefin, P., Habib, M. S., Arefin, A., & Arefin, M. S. (2021). Gait Analysis for the elderly and popular designs of smart canes available in the market: A narrative review. International Journal of Aging Health and Movement, 3(1), 31-38. Retrieved from


Background: To promote freedom of movement and allow people with mobility issues to get about and accomplish everyday tasks, smart canes are important. They are available in the market in different features. However, other mechanical and electronic design modifications are possible to provide individualized comfort. In the market, they are available in various design choices. Objective: The objective of the study was gait analysis and finding the features people look for in mobility assistive devices. Method: We have conducted a narrative literature review and analyzed the websites for analyzing gait and the features that make popular canes available in the market popular. Findings: We have found that the canes with adjustable heights, low weight, and a wide range of user weight supporting and proper weight-distributing capabilities are more popular. But people search for customized designs based on their requirements on a lower budget. Conclusion: In this study, we have discussed the popular designs available in the market. The findings give us the idea to combine different design variations as per user requirements.


Gait Analysis for the elderly and popular designs of smart canes available in the market: A narrative review


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